Pavel Gordienko

Pavel Gordienko

The head of the Institute Special Administration Department (KGB) Institute years: 1952-1968 1903 Born on 18th August in the village of Zhelunovka in Kharkov province into a family of Cossack peasants of average means. 1915 Enters the Kharkov Lyceum. 1917 Assistant caster at the Kharkov Locomotive Plant. 1920 Joins the Komsomol. Sent for training at the legal faculty of the Kharkov Institute of National Economy. 1924 Candidate member of the CPSU (b). 1925 Member of the CPSU (b). Graduates from the Law Faculty of the Kharkov Institute of National Economy. Sent to the NKVD to work as an investigator in criminal matters; working with prisoners and pre-trial detainees in the Kharkov prison. 1941 Called to the front as a captain. Working in military intelligence. Contributes to the formation of the 1st Ukrainian Front. 1945 Sent to a garrison in Germany. 1947 Returns to the USSR. Appointed head of the women's transit prison in Kharkov. 1952 For health reasons, transferred to the position of Chief of the First Department of the Institute. 1968 No data available after November 8th.

Participated in Films

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